The news commentary manga “News Investigation Team”, which started in 2015, celebrated its 500th serialization (published on page 20) in the January 12th issue. It will be our 10th anniversary in April. I’ve been in charge of the manga since the first episode…


Commemorating the 500th serialization of the manga “News Investigative Team”: Interview with the author about his commitment to the work | Asahi Elementary School Newspaper

Commemorating the 500th serialization of the manga “News Investigative Team”: Interview with the author about his commitment to the work | Asahi Elementary School Newspaper
The news commentary manga “News Investigation Team”, which started in 2015, celebrated its 500th serialization (published on page 20) in the January 12th issue. It will be our 10th anniversary in April. I’ve been in charge of the manga since the first episode…

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