Mr. Kawasaki introduces his self-made 4-panel manga at Okazaki Junior High School attached to Aichi University of Education in Meidaiji-cho, Okazaki City.In order to create an opportunity to learn more about the “Mikawa samurai”, Kawasaki-san is attached to Aichi University of Education…


Learn about the Mikawa Samurai through comics and games: “A gateway to experiencing the beauty of the local area and history”

Learn about the Mikawa Samurai through comics and games: “A gateway to experiencing the beauty of the local area and history”
Mr. Kawasaki introduces his self-made 4-panel manga at Okazaki Junior High School attached to Aichi University of Education in Meidaiji-cho, Okazaki City.In order to create an opportunity to learn more about the “Mikawa samurai”, Kawasaki-san is attached to Aichi University of Education…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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