TBS variety show “Ravit!” aired on the 17th. ” (8:00 p.m.), a project was inspired by the famous scene “Konoha Grasping” from the manga “Hajime no Ippo”.


Ravit! ” The challenge of “recreating” a masterpiece manga, the response to the brilliant production was “That’s amazing” – To-O Nippo

Ravit! ” The challenge of “recreating” a masterpiece manga, the response to the brilliant production was “That’s amazing” – To-O Nippo
TBS variety show “Ravit!” aired on the 17th. ” (8:00 p.m.), a project was inspired by the famous scene “Konoha Grasping” from the manga “Hajime no Ippo”.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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