The drama “Alice’s Family’s Hearth End” (BS-TBS) starring Fumika Baba, which started airing on January 7th, has been attracting a lot of attention from viewers, even though it is a “heartwarming” work.


Fumika Baba receives applause from viewers for her “powerful bust scene” in the “live-action drama based on a popular manga”!

Fumika Baba receives applause from viewers for her “powerful bust scene” in the “live-action drama based on a popular manga”!
The drama “Alice’s Family’s Hearth End” (BS-TBS) starring Fumika Baba, which started airing on January 7th, has been attracting a lot of attention from viewers, even though it is a “heartwarming” work.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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