The manga “PSYREN -Siren-” by Toshiaki Iwashiro has been selected for the second consecutive year in the voting project “Ranking of manga that should be made into an anime” at the world’s largest anime event “AnimeJapan”.


15 years after its completion, a masterpiece manga known only to those in the know has been selected for the “Ranking of manga that should be made into anime” for the second consecutive year

15 years after its completion, a masterpiece manga known only to those in the know has been selected for the “Ranking of manga that should be made into anime” for the second consecutive year
The manga “PSYREN -Siren-” by Toshiaki Iwashiro has been selected for the second consecutive year in the voting project “Ranking of manga that should be made into an anime” at the world’s largest anime event “AnimeJapan”.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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