This is a live-action adaptation of the comic of the same name by Mashiro, which is currently being serialized on the manga app “GANMA!”… The original comic won the grand prize at the “6th Everyone’s Choice TSUTAYA Comic Awards” and was also “…


Yamada and Akane, and the guild members surrounding them! “I’m in love with Yamada-kun at level 999” I feel like there’s going to be some trouble…

Yamada and Akane, and the guild members surrounding them! “I’m in love with Yamada-kun at level 999” I feel like there’s going to be some trouble…
This is a live-action adaptation of the comic of the same name by Mashiro, which is currently being serialized on the manga app “GANMA!”… The original comic won the grand prize at the “6th Everyone’s Choice TSUTAYA Comic Awards” and was also “…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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