Shueisha began serializing a revival of “FIRE BALL!” by Yukinobu Tatsu in Shonen Jump+ on January 16th. This work is about the baseball idiot “Kyuji Katagiri” and the genius batter “Taro Tanaka”…


“Danda Dan” Yukinobu Ryu’s initial series “FIRE BALL!” Revival serialization begins on Shonen Jump +

“Danda Dan” Yukinobu Ryu’s initial series “FIRE BALL!” Revival serialization begins on Shonen Jump +
Shueisha began serializing a revival of “FIRE BALL!” by Yukinobu Tatsu in Shonen Jump+ on January 16th. This work is about the baseball idiot “Kyuji Katagiri” and the genius batter “Taro Tanaka”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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