This manga depicts the story of a baseball idiot, Kyuji Katagiri, and a genius batter, Taro Tanaka, who drastically change baseball. A total of 19 episodes have been serialized since 2013. In Shonen Jump +, from episode 3 onwards…


“Danda Dan” Yukinobu Ryu’s initial series “FIRE BALL!” Revival serialization begins on Shonen Jump +

“Danda Dan” Yukinobu Ryu’s initial series “FIRE BALL!” Revival serialization begins on Shonen Jump +
This manga depicts the story of a baseball idiot, Kyuji Katagiri, and a genius batter, Taro Tanaka, who drastically change baseball. A total of 19 episodes have been serialized since 2013. In Shonen Jump +, from episode 3 onwards…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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