COWCOW, a comedy duo belonging to Yoshimoto Kogyo, will appear at the Saitama Ageo Medics home game on Sunday, February 9th, Section 15! ! COWCOW will have the first pitch ceremony and set time…


[2/9 (Sun) @ Ageo Civic Gymnasium] COWCOW appears at home game!! |Saitama Ageo Medics

[2/9 (Sun) @ Ageo Civic Gymnasium] COWCOW appears at home game!! |Saitama Ageo Medics
COWCOW, a comedy duo belonging to Yoshimoto Kogyo, will appear at the Saitama Ageo Medics home game on Sunday, February 9th, Section 15! ! COWCOW will have the first pitch ceremony and set time…

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