TV Asahi’s popular drama “Kaseifu no Mitazono” (Tuesday at 9:00) starring TOKIO’s Masahiro Matsuoka (48) will start on the 14th, and will feature Miho Nakayama (age 54), who passed away suddenly in December last year. ..


Miho Nakayama’s appearance in the TV Asahi drama received a great response! Who appeared as the first love in the play – Sponichi

Miho Nakayama’s appearance in the TV Asahi drama received a great response! Who appeared as the first love in the play – Sponichi
TV Asahi’s popular drama “Kaseifu no Mitazono” (Tuesday at 9:00) starring TOKIO’s Masahiro Matsuoka (48) will start on the 14th, and will feature Miho Nakayama (age 54), who passed away suddenly in December last year. ..

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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