The second episode of the taiga drama “Berabou” aired on January 12th, with an average household audience rating of 12.0%, a decrease of 0.6% from the previous episode’s 12.6%. The transition from the first to the second is from last year…


Breaking news and trends in audience ratings for all 2 episodes of “Berabou”! Comparison with Taiga works from the past 8 years

Breaking news and trends in audience ratings for all 2 episodes of “Berabou”! Comparison with Taiga works from the past 8 years
The second episode of the taiga drama “Berabou” aired on January 12th, with an average household audience rating of 12.0%, a decrease of 0.6% from the previous episode’s 12.6%. The transition from the first to the second is from last year…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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