In fact, since around the late-night drama “Massage Detective Joe” (TV Tokyo) in April 2017, when she was the heroine, Koshiba has appeared almost nonstop in serial dramas, movies, and plays.


“Fuka Koshiba” The bewitching courtesan becomes a hot topic in her first appearance in a taiga drama. Will she move to an agency and shift to acting?

“Fuka Koshiba” The bewitching courtesan becomes a hot topic in her first appearance in a taiga drama. Will she move to an agency and shift to acting?
In fact, since around the late-night drama “Massage Detective Joe” (TV Tokyo) in April 2017, when she was the heroine, Koshiba has appeared almost nonstop in serial dramas, movies, and plays.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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