The BL drama CD “Takayoshi and Amagi-kun” (voice actors: Seiji Maeda, Hajime Sato, and others) is now available on “Pocket Drama CD”! Data sales start at “Animate Mail Order”! BL drama CD “High…


BL drama CD “Takayoshi and Amagi-kun” (voice actors: Seiji Maeda, Hajime Sato, etc.) – Animate Times

BL drama CD “Takayoshi and Amagi-kun” (voice actors: Seiji Maeda, Hajime Sato, etc.) – Animate Times
The BL drama CD “Takayoshi and Amagi-kun” (voice actors: Seiji Maeda, Hajime Sato, and others) is now available on “Pocket Drama CD”! Data sales start at “Animate Mail Order”! BL drama CD “High…

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