The Fuji TV drama series “Icy – Momentary Memory Investigation Hiiragi-ban” starring Haru (Tuesday 9:00 p.m./hereinafter referred to as “Icy”) has started. The first episode was broadcast on January 21st with a 15-minute enlargement…


“Episode 1 of the drama” Is it a plagiarism and the setting is very similar, but the development feels strange… Unreasonable “Tsukkomi is a big traffic jam…

“Episode 1 of the drama” Is it a plagiarism and the setting is very similar, but the development feels strange… Unreasonable “Tsukkomi is a big traffic jam…
The Fuji TV drama series “Icy – Momentary Memory Investigation Hiiragi-ban” starring Haru (Tuesday 9:00 p.m./hereinafter referred to as “Icy”) has started. The first episode was broadcast on January 21st with a 15-minute enlargement…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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