The NHK Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” (General TV, 3 episodes) will be aired on February 1st, about a former hikikomori girl who aims to become a veterinarian and is set in a university modeled after Rakuno Gakuen University in Ebetsu City.


Rakuno Gakuen Grand Stage Drama Starring Anna Yamada, who plays the role of Kinkam Ashipa “I felt the students’ love for animals…

Rakuno Gakuen Grand Stage Drama Starring Anna Yamada, who plays the role of Kinkam Ashipa “I felt the students’ love for animals…
The NHK Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” (General TV, 3 episodes) will be aired on February 1st, about a former hikikomori girl who aims to become a veterinarian and is set in a university modeled after Rakuno Gakuen University in Ebetsu City.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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