Actor Mikako Tabe will star in the TBS drama series “Housework on the Other Shore – This is My Way to Live!” which will start in April. It was announced on the 25th that he will be playing the lead role in “~” (Tuesday 10pm).


Mikako Tabe will star in the TBS drama “Choices on the Other Shore” starting in April.She will play the role of a housewife, and “all the stories I can relate to”

Mikako Tabe will star in the TBS drama “Choices on the Other Shore” starting in April.She will play the role of a housewife, and “all the stories I can relate to”
Actor Mikako Tabe will star in the TBS drama series “Housework on the Other Shore – This is My Way to Live!” which will start in April. It was announced on the 25th that he will be playing the lead role in “~” (Tuesday 10pm).

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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