Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” | Starring Anna Yamada, a youth story of a girl who aims to become a veterinarian set in the great nature of Hokkaido | General Starts on Saturday, February 1st! |NHK.


Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” starring Anna Yamada, who aims to become a veterinarian in the great nature of Hokkaido…

Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” starring Anna Yamada, who aims to become a veterinarian in the great nature of Hokkaido…
Saturday drama “Lila no Hanasaku Kemonomichi” | Starring Anna Yamada, a youth story of a girl who aims to become a veterinarian set in the great nature of Hokkaido | General Starts on Saturday, February 1st! |NHK.

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