The drama “Dragon of the Courtroom” starring Mone Kamishiraishi started on January 17th on TV Tokyo’s “Drama 9” (TV Tokyo/Fridays at 9 p.m.). The strong viewer ratings are a hot topic both inside and outside the industry…


[Winter drama audience rating] 7.3% for the first episode of “Dragon of the Court”, the highest ever, reminds me of the “disastrous defeat starring a big actor”…

[Winter drama audience rating] 7.3% for the first episode of “Dragon of the Court”, the highest ever, reminds me of the “disastrous defeat starring a big actor”…
The drama “Dragon of the Courtroom” starring Mone Kamishiraishi started on January 17th on TV Tokyo’s “Drama 9” (TV Tokyo/Fridays at 9 p.m.). The strong viewer ratings are a hot topic both inside and outside the industry…

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