The first episode of the Fuji TV drama “Icy – Momentary Memory Investigation Hiiragi-ban” (9 p.m. Tuesday, 15 minutes extended) starring actress Haru was aired on the 21st. Sauce…


Before the commercial for the new drama, an unnatural video “I saw it for the first time” plays a geometric pattern-like background for about 10 seconds.

Before the commercial for the new drama, an unnatural video “I saw it for the first time” plays a geometric pattern-like background for about 10 seconds.
The first episode of the Fuji TV drama “Icy – Momentary Memory Investigation Hiiragi-ban” (9 p.m. Tuesday, 15 minutes extended) starring actress Haru was aired on the 21st. Sauce…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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