The drama series “Asura no Gotoku” (all 7 episodes), which has been available on Netflix since January 9th, has been attracting attention. Director Hirokazu Kore-eda has subtly adapted the masterpiece by Kuniko Mukoda, one of the leading screenwriters of the Showa era.


Why is the Showa drama “Asura no Gotoku” still popular? Why is the Katsumata & Takiko couple so popular?

Why is the Showa drama “Asura no Gotoku” still popular? Why is the Katsumata & Takiko couple so popular?
The drama series “Asura no Gotoku” (all 7 episodes), which has been available on Netflix since January 9th, has been attracting attention. Director Hirokazu Kore-eda has subtly adapted the masterpiece by Kuniko Mukoda, one of the leading screenwriters of the Showa era.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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