In fact, Otsuka also appeared in the NHK taiga drama “Berabou~Tsutajuei Hanano Yumebanashi~” (Sunday, 8pm), which aired in the time slot before “Ojo Sensei”. Kamegiku, a girl from Kiribishiya in Yoshiwara…


“Taiga drama → TBS is amazing” The 19-year-old actress who appeared in the popular drama “Ladder” is “really cute” online…

“Taiga drama → TBS is amazing” The 19-year-old actress who appeared in the popular drama “Ladder” is “really cute” online…
In fact, Otsuka also appeared in the NHK taiga drama “Berabou~Tsutajuei Hanano Yumebanashi~” (Sunday, 8pm), which aired in the time slot before “Ojo Sensei”. Kamegiku, a girl from Kiribishiya in Yoshiwara…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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