The NHK taiga drama “Berabou~Tsutashigeei Hana no Yumebanashi”, which depicts the life of Edo media king Shigezaburo Tsutaya, has started. From the first episode on the 5th, the darkness of Yoshiwara, the red-light district where Tsutashige grew up…


“Draw it completely” without running away: A new era of drama production as seen in NHK Taiga – Sports Hochi

“Draw it completely” without running away: A new era of drama production as seen in NHK Taiga – Sports Hochi
The NHK taiga drama “Berabou~Tsutashigeei Hana no Yumebanashi”, which depicts the life of Edo media king Shigezaburo Tsutaya, has started. From the first episode on the 5th, the darkness of Yoshiwara, the red-light district where Tsutashige grew up…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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