The Fuji TV drama series “Japan’s Worst Man *My Family Was Fake” starring Shingo Katori is in a very dangerous situation. This is Katori’s first starring role on Fuji TV in 11 years…


Extremely dangerous situation…2nd episode of “New Drama”, average audience rating 4.7% “Just watching the first episode is enough…” It will not be broadcast until the final episode…

Extremely dangerous situation…2nd episode of “New Drama”, average audience rating 4.7% “Just watching the first episode is enough…” It will not be broadcast until the final episode…
The Fuji TV drama series “Japan’s Worst Man *My Family Was Fake” starring Shingo Katori is in a very dangerous situation. This is Katori’s first starring role on Fuji TV in 11 years…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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