Drama “Icy ~Momentary Memory Investigation Hiiragi Group~” starts at 9pm on Tuesdays, January 21st (extended 15 minutes for the first time).In the story, a man went missing 7 years ago. 16-year-old high school student “Asakura…


[Cast information] January drama “Icy ~Instant Memory Investigation Hiiragi Group~” on Tuesdays at 9pm [Mori Futaba]

[Cast information] January drama “Icy ~Instant Memory Investigation Hiiragi Group~” on Tuesdays at 9pm [Mori Futaba]
Drama “Icy ~Momentary Memory Investigation Hiiragi Group~” starts at 9pm on Tuesdays, January 21st (extended 15 minutes for the first time).In the story, a man went missing 7 years ago. 16-year-old high school student “Asakura…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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