The Nippon Television drama series “Hot Spot” starts on the 12th (Sunday at 10:30). This work is written by Baka Rhythm and starred by Mikiko Ichikawa, and is based on “Brush Up Life”…


The cast talks about the highlights of the first episode of Nippon Television’s drama series “Hot Spot”, written and written by Bakarhythm.

The cast talks about the highlights of the first episode of Nippon Television’s drama series “Hot Spot”, written and written by Bakarhythm.
The Nippon Television drama series “Hot Spot” starts on the 12th (Sunday at 10:30). This work is written by Baka Rhythm and starred by Mikiko Ichikawa, and is based on “Brush Up Life”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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