The NHK taiga drama “Berabou” started this month. A story depicting the life of Juzaburo Tsutaya (starring Yokohama Ryusei), who can be called a media producer in the Edo period…


The reason why Rakugo storytellers are fascinated by the taiga drama “Berabou”, a complacent review based on the way Yoshiwara and prostitutes are depicted…

The reason why Rakugo storytellers are fascinated by the taiga drama “Berabou”, a complacent review based on the way Yoshiwara and prostitutes are depicted…
The NHK taiga drama “Berabou” started this month. A story depicting the life of Juzaburo Tsutaya (starring Yokohama Ryusei), who can be called a media producer in the Edo period…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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