The new Gochi series will start on Nippon Television’s variety show “Gurunai Gochi 26 New Member Announcement Special” (7:00 p.m.), which will be broadcast on the 16th. The identities of two new members of interest have been revealed…


Two new members of “Gochi” will be announced Masked Beauty (ENCOUNT), a multi-faceted super popular girl and popular in movies and dramas

Two new members of “Gochi” will be announced Masked Beauty (ENCOUNT), a multi-faceted super popular girl and popular in movies and dramas
The new Gochi series will start on Nippon Television’s variety show “Gurunai Gochi 26 New Member Announcement Special” (7:00 p.m.), which will be broadcast on the 16th. The identities of two new members of interest have been revealed…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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