Kokoro Terada, who gained popularity as a child actor, will appear in the taiga drama “Berabou ~ Tsutajuei Hana no Yumebanashi ~” (NHK), which will be broadcast on the 12th. His “growth” in the role of Sadanobu Matsudaira (Kenmaru Tayasu) is significant…


“Drama” broadcast on the 12th is no different from Toma Ikuta… “I, before I knew it” – Current Topic Ranking

“Drama” broadcast on the 12th is no different from Toma Ikuta… “I, before I knew it” – Current Topic Ranking
Kokoro Terada, who gained popularity as a child actor, will appear in the taiga drama “Berabou ~ Tsutajuei Hana no Yumebanashi ~” (NHK), which will be broadcast on the 12th. His “growth” in the role of Sadanobu Matsudaira (Kenmaru Tayasu) is significant…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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