The Japanese title of the full-length animated film “A NEW DAWN” by Japanese painter Yoshitoshi Shinomiya has been decided as “The day when the flower verdigris dawns”. It will be released in 2025.


Toshihisa Hagiwara and Kotone Furukawa take on the role of anime voice actors for the first time in the anime movie “Hana Rokusei ga Aru Hi” in the double lead role, and special news has also been released.

Toshihisa Hagiwara and Kotone Furukawa take on the role of anime voice actors for the first time in the anime movie “Hana Rokusei ga Aru Hi” in the double lead role, and special news has also been released.
The Japanese title of the full-length animated film “A NEW DAWN” by Japanese painter Yoshitoshi Shinomiya has been decided as “The day when the flower verdigris dawns”. It will be released in 2025.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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