The performance is a reading drama that is a collaboration between the anime “PSYCHO-PASS” and Kabuki. An exhibition project will be held inside the theater from January 18th (Sunday) to February 2nd (Sunday). 『PSYCHO-…


The official report of “Koekabu”, in which characters from the anime “PSYCHO-PASS” take on Kabuki, has arrived

The official report of “Koekabu”, in which characters from the anime “PSYCHO-PASS” take on Kabuki, has arrived
The performance is a reading drama that is a collaboration between the anime “PSYCHO-PASS” and Kabuki. An exhibition project will be held inside the theater from January 18th (Sunday) to February 2nd (Sunday). 『PSYCHO-…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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