Episode 1151 of the TV anime “Detective Conan” “Kid the Phantom Thief and Crown Magic (Part 2)” will be broadcast on January 25, 2025. This is the first full-fledged appearance of Tooru Amuro, whose successor voice actor is Tsuyoshi Kusao, and…


“Refreshing” “So cute!!” “Detective Conan” Tsuyoshi Kusao’s Tooru Amuro makes a full-fledged appearance and fans are excited…

“Refreshing” “So cute!!” “Detective Conan” Tsuyoshi Kusao’s Tooru Amuro makes a full-fledged appearance and fans are excited…
Episode 1151 of the TV anime “Detective Conan” “Kid the Phantom Thief and Crown Magic (Part 2)” will be broadcast on January 25, 2025. This is the first full-fledged appearance of Tooru Amuro, whose successor voice actor is Tsuyoshi Kusao, and…

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