(Animation audio) “Namu Daishi Hensho Kongo, Namu Daishi Hensho Kongo… It’s the light.” “Burning Daishi,” a folk tale about the sea in Minami Town, Tokushima Prefecture, is about a greedy fisherman who…


Animated folk tales related to the sea in Minami Town screened at local elementary school [Tokushima] | JRT NEWS NNN

Animated folk tales related to the sea in Minami Town screened at local elementary school [Tokushima] | JRT NEWS NNN
(Animation audio) “Namu Daishi Hensho Kongo, Namu Daishi Hensho Kongo… It’s the light.” “Burning Daishi,” a folk tale about the sea in Minami Town, Tokushima Prefecture, is about a greedy fisherman who…

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