The TV anime “Villainous Girl Reincarnated Uncle” is based on the manga by Michio Ueyama, which is being serialized in “Monthly Young King Hours GH” (Shonen Gahosha). Kenzaburo Tontabayashi, a 52-year-old uncle…


Villainous Daughter Reincarnation Uncle: Why is “Matsuken Samba II” the ED of the Villainous Daughter anime? “The response was greater than expected”

Villainous Daughter Reincarnation Uncle: Why is “Matsuken Samba II” the ED of the Villainous Daughter anime? “The response was greater than expected”
The TV anime “Villainous Girl Reincarnated Uncle” is based on the manga by Michio Ueyama, which is being serialized in “Monthly Young King Hours GH” (Shonen Gahosha). Kenzaburo Tontabayashi, a 52-year-old uncle…

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