The second season of the TV anime “Sasaki and Pi-chan” is currently in production, and to commemorate the release of the 10th volume of the original novel, the voice comic Magical Pink edition has been released! ☆Cast & Staff Information Sasaki: Sugita…


[Second season of TV anime is in production! ] “Sasaki and Pea-chan” Voice Comic Magical Pink Edition [CV. Minase…

[Second season of TV anime is in production! ] “Sasaki and Pea-chan” Voice Comic Magical Pink Edition [CV. Minase…
The second season of the TV anime “Sasaki and Pi-chan” is currently in production, and to commemorate the release of the 10th volume of the original novel, the voice comic Magical Pink edition has been released! ☆Cast & Staff Information Sasaki: Sugita…

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