A collaboration exhibition between the anime “PSYCHO-PASS” and Kabuki “PSYCHO-PASS Kyoto Minamiza Kabuki no Tate” will be held at Minamiza, Kyoto from January 18th (Sat) to February 2nd (Sun). …


Preview of “PSYCHO-PASS Kyoto Minamiza Kabuki no Tate” while walking along the flower path to the world of anime…

Preview of “PSYCHO-PASS Kyoto Minamiza Kabuki no Tate” while walking along the flower path to the world of anime…
A collaboration exhibition between the anime “PSYCHO-PASS” and Kabuki “PSYCHO-PASS Kyoto Minamiza Kabuki no Tate” will be held at Minamiza, Kyoto from January 18th (Sat) to February 2nd (Sun). …

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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