SEGA and Colorful Palette today announced that the animated film “Project Sekai: The Broken World and Miku Who Can’t Sing” will attract an audience of 230,000 in the first three days after its release on January 17, 2025.


Animated movie “Project Sekai the Movie” attracts 230,000 viewers in 3 days of release and exceeds 300 million yen in box office revenue…

Animated movie “Project Sekai the Movie” attracts 230,000 viewers in 3 days of release and exceeds 300 million yen in box office revenue…
SEGA and Colorful Palette today announced that the animated film “Project Sekai: The Broken World and Miku Who Can’t Sing” will attract an audience of 230,000 in the first three days after its release on January 17, 2025.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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