The cast of the TV anime “Ame to Kimi to” based on the original work by Yuki Nikaido has been announced. Saori Hayami plays Fuji, the main character, a female novelist. In addition, Arina Kamakura, Satomi Sato, Yuzu Yumoto…


Anime “Ame to Kimi to” The main character, Fuji, is played by Saori Hayami, produced by L’Esprit, directed by Tomohiro Tsukimi – Natalie

Anime “Ame to Kimi to” The main character, Fuji, is played by Saori Hayami, produced by L’Esprit, directed by Tomohiro Tsukimi – Natalie
The cast of the TV anime “Ame to Kimi to” based on the original work by Yuki Nikaido has been announced. Saori Hayami plays Fuji, the main character, a female novelist. In addition, Arina Kamakura, Satomi Sato, Yuzu Yumoto…

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