To commemorate the critically acclaimed movie “Oshi no Ko -The Final Act-“, a cranked-up video of lead actress Sakurai Umion (Aqua) has been released. From November 2023 to March 2024, approximately 4…


“[Oshi no Ko]” Crank-up video of Umi Sakurai, who plays the role of Aqua, has been released! While choked with tears…

“[Oshi no Ko]” Crank-up video of Umi Sakurai, who plays the role of Aqua, has been released! While choked with tears…
To commemorate the critically acclaimed movie “Oshi no Ko -The Final Act-“, a cranked-up video of lead actress Sakurai Umion (Aqua) has been released. From November 2023 to March 2024, approximately 4…

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