The “Pushing Children” “Aqua Role” from the anime, drama, movie, and theater world are gathered together! A special video containing a dream three-shot talk between Takeo Otsuka, Kaito Sakurai, and Rio Komiya…


Takeo Otsuka x Umino Sakurai x Rio Komiya [Oshinoko] “Aqua Roundtable” released on YouTube! Anime/Drama & Movies…

Takeo Otsuka x Umino Sakurai x Rio Komiya [Oshinoko] “Aqua Roundtable” released on YouTube! Anime/Drama & Movies…
The “Pushing Children” “Aqua Role” from the anime, drama, movie, and theater world are gathered together! A special video containing a dream three-shot talk between Takeo Otsuka, Kaito Sakurai, and Rio Komiya…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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