The 1150th episode of the anime “Detective Conan” based on the original work by Gosho Aoyama will be broadcast today, January 18th, and it has been revealed that Tsuyoshi Kusao will be playing the role of Tooru Amuro.


Tsuyoshi Kusao is the new cast member for Tooru Amuro in the anime “Detective Conan” – Comic Natalie

Tsuyoshi Kusao is the new cast member for Tooru Amuro in the anime “Detective Conan” – Comic Natalie
The 1150th episode of the anime “Detective Conan” based on the original work by Gosho Aoyama will be broadcast today, January 18th, and it has been revealed that Tsuyoshi Kusao will be playing the role of Tooru Amuro.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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