Announcing a roundtable discussion with Anime’s Takeo Otsuka, Drama & Movies’ Kaion Sakurai, Theater’s Rio Komiya, and others.The live-action film adaptation project of the manga “Oshi no Ko” is currently underway with the drama series “…


[Oshi no Ko] The roles of Aqua are gathered together! Anime/Takeo Otsuka, drama/movies/Kaion Sakurai, theater/Rio Komiya, etc…

[Oshi no Ko] The roles of Aqua are gathered together! Anime/Takeo Otsuka, drama/movies/Kaion Sakurai, theater/Rio Komiya, etc…
Announcing a roundtable discussion with Anime’s Takeo Otsuka, Drama & Movies’ Kaion Sakurai, Theater’s Rio Komiya, and others.The live-action film adaptation project of the manga “Oshi no Ko” is currently underway with the drama series “…

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