A roundtable discussion between voice actor Takeo Otsuka, actor Umino Sakurai, and actor Rio Komiya, who play the role of [Oshinoko] Aqua in anime, dramas, movies, and stage plays, has been released.


Voice actor Takeo Otsuka, actors Umion Sakurai, Rio Komiya [Oshinoko] A dialogue between the three actors who play Aqua… – entax

Voice actor Takeo Otsuka, actors Umion Sakurai, Rio Komiya [Oshinoko] A dialogue between the three actors who play Aqua… – entax
A roundtable discussion between voice actor Takeo Otsuka, actor Umino Sakurai, and actor Rio Komiya, who play the role of [Oshinoko] Aqua in anime, dramas, movies, and stage plays, has been released.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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