Takeo Otsuka, who played the role of Aqua in the anime “Oshi no Ko”, Umino Sakurai, who played the role of Aqua in the live-action drama and movie, and Rio Komiya, who played the role of Aqua in the 2.5-dimensional stage version of the play “Oshi no Ko”. .


[Oshinoko] A video of the roundtable discussion between the actors of Aqua, Takeo Otsuka, Umion Sakurai, and Rio Komiya has arrived! A real talk full of love for the original work!

[Oshinoko] A video of the roundtable discussion between the actors of Aqua, Takeo Otsuka, Umion Sakurai, and Rio Komiya has arrived! A real talk full of love for the original work!
Takeo Otsuka, who played the role of Aqua in the anime “Oshi no Ko”, Umino Sakurai, who played the role of Aqua in the live-action drama and movie, and Rio Komiya, who played the role of Aqua in the 2.5-dimensional stage version of the play “Oshi no Ko”. .

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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