In the 92nd episode of the anime Chiikawa, a scene was depicted in which Chikabu (CV: Shio Muto) entertains Chiikawa (CV: Haruka Aoki) and the laborer’s armor-san (CV: Hiroki Higashichi). In episode 93, Mr. Armor…


Even though she was so cute… Anime “Chiikawa” Chikabu’s true identity is so dangerous that Chikabu bursts into tears

Even though she was so cute… Anime “Chiikawa” Chikabu’s true identity is so dangerous that Chikabu bursts into tears
In the 92nd episode of the anime Chiikawa, a scene was depicted in which Chikabu (CV: Shio Muto) entertains Chiikawa (CV: Haruka Aoki) and the laborer’s armor-san (CV: Hiroki Higashichi). In episode 93, Mr. Armor…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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