The fourth season of the TV anime “Rent-A-Girlfriend” based on the original work by Reiji Miyajima will begin broadcasting in two separate seasons starting in July. Teaser visuals, cast information, and staff have been released.


The 4th season of the anime “Kanakari” will be broadcast in 2 separate seasons starting from July. Visuals of Chizuru and her friends going on a journey – Natalie

The 4th season of the anime “Kanakari” will be broadcast in 2 separate seasons starting from July. Visuals of Chizuru and her friends going on a journey – Natalie
The fourth season of the TV anime “Rent-A-Girlfriend” based on the original work by Reiji Miyajima will begin broadcasting in two separate seasons starting in July. Teaser visuals, cast information, and staff have been released.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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