Noa, the eldest daughter of entertainers Taiyo Sugiura and Nozomi Tsuji, updated her YouTube Shorts by the 15th. The idol group B Komachi that appears in the anime “Oshi no Ko”…


Tsuji-chan’s eldest daughter, Noa, performs “B Komachi” at “Papa’s Request” Twintails & mini…

Tsuji-chan’s eldest daughter, Noa, performs “B Komachi” at “Papa’s Request” Twintails & mini…
Noa, the eldest daughter of entertainers Taiyo Sugiura and Nozomi Tsuji, updated her YouTube Shorts by the 15th. The idol group B Komachi that appears in the anime “Oshi no Ko”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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