The second episode of “Drama DEEP” and “Ikinari Kon” was aired on Nippon Television’s Tuesday Platinum Night slot at midnight on January 14th. The main character, Mao Koshiba (Kyoko Saito), works for a major food company…


Mao (Kyoko Saito) “It’s bad…I’m about to cry” Her handsome boss, So (Yu Shirota), is already heart-warming with his positivity and kindness…

Mao (Kyoko Saito) “It’s bad…I’m about to cry” Her handsome boss, So (Yu Shirota), is already heart-warming with his positivity and kindness…
The second episode of “Drama DEEP” and “Ikinari Kon” was aired on Nippon Television’s Tuesday Platinum Night slot at midnight on January 14th. The main character, Mao Koshiba (Kyoko Saito), works for a major food company…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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