The drama, starring Matsuoka, started in October 2016 and is now in its seventh season. In addition to Matsuoka, Kei Inoo (Hey! Say! JUMP), Rika Kumada, Atsuko Hirata, Shuhama…


Miho Nakayama’s appearance in “Kasefu no Mitazono” received a great response “I feel like she’s representing the feelings of the viewers…”

Miho Nakayama’s appearance in “Kasefu no Mitazono” received a great response “I feel like she’s representing the feelings of the viewers…”
The drama, starring Matsuoka, started in October 2016 and is now in its seventh season. In addition to Matsuoka, Kei Inoo (Hey! Say! JUMP), Rika Kumada, Atsuko Hirata, Shuhama…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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