Sakurazaka46’s Minami Koike announced her graduation on her blog. I will be graduating with activities related to my 11th single, which will be released on the 19th of next month. Mr. Koike is involved in his own activities…


[Sakurazaka46] Minami Koike announces her graduation. With the activities of her 11th single, she said, “I am so prepared that I could spend my whole life…”

[Sakurazaka46] Minami Koike announces her graduation. With the activities of her 11th single, she said, “I am so prepared that I could spend my whole life…”
Sakurazaka46’s Minami Koike announced her graduation on her blog. I will be graduating with activities related to my 11th single, which will be released on the 19th of next month. Mr. Koike is involved in his own activities…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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