However, Yuichi Nakamaru of “KAT-TUN”, who was originally in charge of this corner, was not present. “Nakamaru married former Nippon Television announcer Rina Sasazaki in January 2024…


A talent from the “Double Affair Controversy” appears on “Shuichi” without Yuichi Nakamaru appearing… In a “dub star” state…

A talent from the “Double Affair Controversy” appears on “Shuichi” without Yuichi Nakamaru appearing… In a “dub star” state…
However, Yuichi Nakamaru of “KAT-TUN”, who was originally in charge of this corner, was not present. “Nakamaru married former Nippon Television announcer Rina Sasazaki in January 2024…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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